Thursday, January 17, 2008

I've been waiting, and waiting....and hungry too...

Hey guys. I am still in the office and feeling so damn hungry rite now. I think I am being punished rite now. Lapar....

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year 1428H

1 Muharram Detik Permulaan, Perkiraan tahun Islam Hijrah, Perpindahan Nabi dan umat Islam, Dari kota Mekah ke kota Madinah.... I luv this nasyid. Sorry peeps for keeping quiet and keeping low profile. Times are crazy right now and my life is full of everything and anything. Haha.

In office rite now. Trying to get some senses and finish my work, yg dah overflowing. I got this big event coming up and the heat is on me, as the event manager. So, today yg cuti ni, got to make this pit stop in office to finish non-event related items due to be submitted tomorrow. Argghhh.. penat betul.

2008 & 1428H ... tahun masihi dan hijrah yg baru. I guess a lot of people start doing their azam tahun baru and all, rite? Actually, I wanted to write my 2007 post-mortem... tapi rasa cam blocked lak, maybe in other post kot.. So let see what i wish i cud achieve this year:-

1. Insan & hamba Allah yang cemerlang dalam sahsiah, akhlak, pengabdian, ibadahnya
2. To further excel in my career
3. To excel in my relationship and wish for happy endings...
4. Sambung PHD....
5. To give more to people

So far, I've started 'mengajar' few of my colleagues in Basic English. I really salute their effort to improve themselves. Not that I am damn good in English, I just hope it will help others. It did helped me too so far! I did not know I can teach. Hehehe. So far after 2 classes, so good.

Today, I went to look-look at this potential house of mine. Hehe, berangan. Went wif my special someone at Alam Budiman. The house is great, bit far though. But, I think I am interested. So far ada good indicator from Pa & Ma. Hope this one also materialized.

Ok geng, the weather look like raining. I am going to complete this last conversation and head home.

Lastly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!