Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sepi, Sunyi Di Aidilfitri

It's kinda weird to feel this way during the Aidilfitri, where you are surrounded by your loved ones. But unfortunately, this is exactly how I am feeling right now. Well, when everybody else have their own "things" to do, it left me with nothing to do or talk to or apa2 lah. Hence, that feeling slowly crept inside me.

The thing about this feeling, it starts to make your brain to work, thinking about things you dont want to really think. (am i making sense??) other than that it also give you time to remember the bad things people or specifically a person said to you. The harsh words seemed so fresh in my mind - i cannot sleep yesterday. i dont know, up until now, i am still so forgiving for all the words thrown at me.

i dont know. i really dont know what will happen. one thing i know, whatever happens, these words will remain buried in my heart. maybe, one day some people will understand that you could not undo your words.

i just want to be happy with the people i love. i want a life that is blessed by Him. i pray to Him to show me the right path & to show others that this is not the right way to treat people.

hope tomorrow will be a better day & a happier one.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri!

Sedar tak sedar, Aidilfitri menjelma lagi. Man, so fast! Tak sedar pun dah berpuasa hampir 30 hari dah. Mmg lah akhir zaman ni masa berlalu terlalu pantas, dan rugi lah manusia kecuali yg beramal soleh dan yg mengingatkan orang lain.

Today was quite a fun day in the office - the preraya event in the office. We gave presents to the winners of the card raya competition, the deko raya & best dressed. What brings tears to eyes is the salam-salaman. Masa ni lah rasa diri ni penuh kekhilafan antara manusia, dan harapannya agar segala dosa-dosa diampunkan.

Puasa tahun ni terlalu pantas. For me, one of the reason would be having to go to class 3 nights each week, and worrying about my project papers & assignments & presentations. Byk ibadah tambahan yg tak terlaksana, tak disempurna.. One of my biggest regrets, and I pray that Allah panjangkan umur untuk ketemu ragi Ramadhan di tahun depan. Byk juga life lessons yg dapat dipelajari. Last week, got the opportunity to meet family members that suffered from the security act. I mean, by listening to the stories, and yet seeing them so strong, I was touched and appreciate my love ones more. And I was one of the happy people when I heard the news of the release of their husbands. Allah Maha Besar, Maha Berkuasa. Allahuakbar!

Class - yeah now already in the 3rd month. I am progressing too slow in my research class. I am worried, but at the same time I am lazy too! hehehe. It's just that I get tired easily lately. It must be the lack of OR no exercise. Need to change my lifestyle laaa. But, people cakap that I have managed to throw away some pounds. I guess studying and working and other things really drained me out. But, I think I am getting better at it now than before.

Other things.. it has been ups and downs. Entah lah, I really don't know. Sometimes, it is TOO beautiful, and sometimes it is TOO hard and disheartening. At this point of time, I really pray hard for the best solutions. Allah knows best. People can decide to do what they want to do, and we cannot stop them. But, we can be a better person by reacting positively when facing adversities. Moga Allah melindungi kami sekeluarga and memakbulkan doa-doa kami.

Sempena Aidilfitri tahun ni, saya nak mohon ampun dan maaf kepada semua yg mengenali. kadangkala, kita tak sedar kesilapan dan kesalahan yg telah kita lakukan, dan hanya anda dapat memaafkan. Saya bukanlah insan yg sempurna, mmg selalu melakukan kesalahan. Moga Allah memberi petunjuk untuk menjadi orang yg lebih baik. Berhati-hati di jalan raya & semoga selamat semuanya.