Friday, September 28, 2007

Another day, another thot...

As of now, it has been a quite fruitful day for me. I started the day by updating a site that needs to be kinda launched tomorrow. As all of you may notice, I am very lah not creative mahupun good in words, hence it was a challenge for me. But I think for tomorrow's thingy, it has been approved so I guess I can take rest now. Hahaha.

After completing that, I got to meet few staff of mine for their coaching session. We have this session once in every two months. This session is for one-to-one, heart-to-heart discussion with the staff regarding their performance, highlighting issues and planning improvement activities. I suppose the 2 sessions today did give me some points to improve too! It also gives more chances for me to get to know them better.

As promised, my backlog updates on the next item:

1.2 Family & Friends

25th August 2007 - Our family was blessed with the birth of my nephew - Muhammad Ikmal Hariz Bin Muhammad Kamal. He weighs 2.7kg (and a lot heavier now!!). Of coz, at this point of time, he is the center of attention from everyone! Hariz is so putih melepak, when he menggeliat, every inch of him is in RED! hehe.. Anyway, the mummy menjalani pantang in Kelana Jaya, hence I got to kacau him everyday after work. But it is not that easy when everyone is fighting to get rights to hold him! Tak pe lah, Mak Long will kidnap you when you are bigger kay Hariz, kita jalan2 sampai Genting ke mana ker.. Hehehe

The younger sister is in Gombak kampus now. So, the Kelisa is officially used by her now to commute. My brother and sis-in-law is planning to continue study in UKM. Hence, they may stay in kelana jaya to commute to Cheras. So, the house is meriah kembali with people. Everyone will be in - its my parents' dreams come true!

I learnt that by having friends from different background and profile, it will spice up your life! And I mean it in a positive way laa of coz. I am having fun learning to know new people. But of coz, the close ones remain special in my heart. Even if they don't still feel the same way towards you. I guess sometimes, you cannot win it all. You tried and tried to make things better between you and your friend, but hey friendship works 2-ways, they need the other side to respond. Entahla, berserah sahaja kepada-Nya. Friendship ni cam Jodoh gak I guess, kalau dah tak de jodoh, nak buat macam mana kan? But, deep inside, I will always pray things will get better day to day.

I think friends are important assets to me. I 'll have this lonely feeling when I am not around one. Alhamdulillah I am blessed with good friends, best friends, and bestest friends in my life. They always support me and also guide me. To my appointed Advisors out there, you know who you are, and you are always needed by me! Hahaha.. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. To my friends, I love you all and Hanya Allah dapat membalas budi baik anda semua. The best gift I can offer is my prayers to all of you.

Ok, rest time, break time.. Till we meet again......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

someone like u, is & will be always loved by everyone, my dear.. :) congrates sbb ade additional family.. Insya Allah the lil prince will be as great as his mak long.