Thursday, September 27, 2007

Okay.. I am tooo farrr behind in updating

Hi guys, yeah enough already with that stares. I know, I have been very lazy in the updating department. But, I guess nowadays time just flies too fast, without us realizing it. "Demi Masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian....." I guess it's not about how much time we have, but the fulfillment of the time, how you use them or waste them.

It took a while for me to start writing back. Some of my dearest frens pon dah bertanya-tanya, is there something wrong? hehe Sorry guys, I guess I have been drifting away with things in my life: work, family, friends, personal, love, hobbies, national news and interest, blah blah blah.. (Alasan semua tuh...). So I will start this posting by segment lah kot...Please bear with me.

Item 1.1 Work

Yeah.. work.. Nothing's new in work department I guess. One of the most significant thing in work is that one of my projects been KIV. I hate that word. Not that we do not have the budget, it's just that do we want to spend it now. At first, I was quite frustrated with that decision. mana tak, dah siap tender semua, tinggal appoint and jalan project ajer. So, what I did? I took leave for few days and travel North. Beli teket Air Asia semua.. lawak betul. Pegi sambil menenangkan fikiran and carik inspirasi bak kata orang. I left everything work-related at office and did not think about it during the whole trip.

Did it do me good? Yeah it did. When I got back to office, I have this new refreshing feeling. Got new dimension and ideas to work out the whole thing again. I did some small discussion on it, and got some pat on the back for it. It feels really good. :)

Other than that, there's this one high-profile project that I am doing rite now. It kinda need me to work cross-functionally with other departments and do communication on it. For me, it is a very good opportunity to actually do people networking and also show what we can offer. I was always a strong believer in teamwork and also treating people and observing people. There are a lot of things that I have learnt in this process and Alhamdulillah I am blessed to be given this opportunity.

Next on the menu - Managing People. I am learning and still learning in this area. It is a big chunk of my current responsibility, having 10 staff reporting to me. But, honestly , I love my team. The strong point of my team - we are 11 unique individuals blessed in variety of talents that binds us together. We won best team in our last teambuilding. I was VERY VERY proud. Target: Best section 07/08. Ameen.

However, today, I am kinda of blurrr.. Dugaan bulan Ramadhan ni. Like Najib said yesterday, Ramadhan sepatutnya kita lebih produktif. Ok-lah Najib, I am trying to be one, by actually updating my blog after nearly thousand centuries. hahahaha..

In summary of the work thingy, I guess after nearly 6 plus years working, I have learnt a lot of things. But I know, that is only a small part of working life. Banyak lagik kena makan garam. But I am blessed coz I have great support system and the most important point: YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR JOB FUN!!

Ok guys, sign off. C u later in my next item update.

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