Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Life is like a box of chocolates...

Sorry Forrest Gump, I just gotta quote you. Sorry guys, I know it has been a while in this see-saw life of mine. Lotsa things happenned during this past half month; work, open house, Bangkok trip, roller-coster emotional ride.. sigh!

Sometimes I feel so mundane at work. There are lot of things to be done, but little motivation to complete them. I dunno why, but maybe my EQ's strength is running thin lately. It's got to be influenced with my crappy emotional ride lately. It is really affecting me mentally and also successfully trying to ruin my body functions and health too.. Phew.. that's worrying rite?

We had our open house on the 28th October. It was very joyous and meriah event. Lots of people came. Thanks friends..:). That day was a sweet day for me too and very memorable. The food tak cukup.. imagine that. Adik and Aliff had to purchase food outside to cater to the invitees who came later in the evening. At the end of the day, I was damn tired! But I had fun as always.

I just got back from my 3 days trip to Bangkok. Actually, I tumpang my dad's conference thingy there. Saved bucks for accomodation. It was a totally shopping trip. I am proud of myself coz I managed to plan my money accordingly. My dad was kind enough to sponsor 1/2 for a new suit for me. Thanks Pa. The most amazing thing is that me and mama walked a lot there! Thank god for the gym sessions, it really gave me energy and stamina. Another new adventure was the 1 hour whole body Thai massage. Fuh, mmg gempak to actually experience my tangan and kaki lipat into half! hehehe.. it was nice and supposedly improve my blood circulation.

I don't think I have had a proper and nice rest since the open house. Feeling tired lately and sleep deprived. It's kind of hard to get a proper night sleep lately. I hope this is a temporary thing or phase of my life coz I really need to be happy, healthy and chirpy. hahaha..

Roller-coaster emotional ride of mine.. What to write aaa? Ntah la, I guess I'm not in a healthy emotional state right now as a results of some sequence of events. It feels like, I have tried and tried and tried very very hard to satisfy and make some people happy, yet, NADDAAAA.. no use. I have given EVERYTHING within my control, but it seemed that that is just NOT GOOD enough for some people. Maybe I am just not good enough for them. I know that I am not a perfect person, but hey, who is? For me, we just got to face everyday with our best effort, work hard, play hard and pray even harder. Nobody is perfect, we got to accept people as they are. I think I did, but somehow along the line people did not. Life is fun and happy when we tolerate each other and forget and forgive. Tak pe lah, I just hope and pray, that what ever that other people decide to do or treat people, it will give them happiness and joy as they wanted it. As for me, I just have to learn to accept things, to mend my broken spirit and entertain myself so that I can continue my days not feeling angry or sad. My feelings not important to some people, only theirs are.

Now. sitting in front of my notebook and updating this. Feeling rite now? Sleepy, tired, sad, confused. Listening to Anuar Zain. What am I babling about??? Heheh.. sorry folks, I am just feeling crappy. Ok lah, got tonnes of work to do, and still wondering how to start.

Have a nice day people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some ppl don't forgive and forget easily altho they've tried hard to