Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy Happy 2009!

Hieya All... Time flies. We are already in the 5th day of 2009! Gosh, is that so.. which means I haven't been writing for about 3 months plus. Tsk, this laziness has got to stop.

Reviewing 2008 - It was not a bad year.. but lotsa things happened in 2008. Things that made me more mature and value life more. Big items.. I bought a house in 2008 and finally in december i got the keys. :) In 2008, I learn more and more about people around me and basically about myself.

Hopes for 2009 - Well, this year I want to be a much better person that previous year, especially a better servant to Allah swt. I have done a lot of misdeeds in the past, and I really hope that I will improve and be forgiven. This year, personally I want to start decorating my house, try to start back on my study plans and resolve my issues of heart. I really hope this is the year where everything will fall into place.. Ameen..

okeh, I've started my blog for 2009! This is a good start.

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