Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The crappy feelings continue...

Well, what can I say.. the day just became a little bit crappier today as much as I tried to put positive things and thoughts into it.. I am a positive person, I think, but what happened today just not as what I really wished.

Have you ever felt that you have tried everything you could for someone, and at the end of the day, you feel that it was soooo wasted? Well, that is how I am feeling at this point of time. I think the effort that I meant started so longgg ago, a year maybe.. But today I learnt something. Sometimes you can kiss the land for that some one, the land which he is walking on, and yet it meant crap to him. It is just so tiring, energy consuming, not to even start on thinking on the other things consumed. Ahhh, Malas lah! Knowing me, I will just forget and forgive after this. Unspoken but still hurt like hell.

So, here I am again in the office, coming in the night shift. Haha, cam team breadown assist lak. A little bit here and there needs to be updated and completed so that I can have a happy life tomorrow. (Doubt it!) Not to complaint, but maybe today is not a GOOD day for me, so it effects everything.

Never-mind lah. Just trying my best to complete today.

Hope for a better tomorrow. Insya Allah.

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