Monday, October 01, 2007

Monday.. Oh my, is it October already?

Aiyah, how fast time flies. Suddenly it is the tenth month of the year, and it is only another two before the new year. So many dreams not yet achieved, so may things not yet done. I think I got to really drive myself this last two months, so that I will end 2007 with glory and feelin I have accomplished something.

The weekends were very very hectic for me. You know what, I went bowling with my training team Saturday morning. When we got there, the alley was empty and we can only hear the thumping of the bowling balls. Ehehe.. Bulan puasa ni, and yet managed to play 5 and 1/2 games. Giler betul. Bulan tak puasa mmg dah pancit. Well I guess, consistency is still the issue in my games. But, last Saturday my game was quite membanggakan where I won 4 out of 5 games. Hehehe..I guess need to sharpen the throwing skills and get more consistency.After the Ramadhan, have some tournaments lined-up. Kene la tunjuk skill skit...Next saturday, still in planning whether to practice again before the Raya break. At least, I cud bakar all the lemaks in my body.. some kind of exercise too.

Then, got my AHM breakfasting event. It was great to see and chat with some of my old friends. But somehow, seeing them with kids and expecting kids and passing wedding cards.. it was quite depressing too. Bile lah I got the chance to pass MY WEDDING CARD? I hope really soon, Insya Allah. I got to make a presentation on the AHM blog and I did. Just one hour before the event did the presentation slides completed. Hahaha.. I got to improve my planning skills...... anyway, it was fun and a success.

The Sunday - I started it as early as 7.45am. Left house for a seminar in Kajang until 1.30pm. Then, got message from mummy dearest to queue up for the FAMOUS POPIAH in section 14. So, I shoot there straight away and do my share of queuing. Imagine there is a quite long line at 2.30 pm.. Dasyat betul penangan popiah utara nieh, even the price hiked up to RM1/piece. Well, if the demand is there... naik baper ringgit pon orang beli. Then singgah KJ Pasar Juadah to get tepung pelita & karipap. Then got my new spectacles. Bukan apa, an incident happened before and I realized I don't have a spare, so I made a new one. Then when to Subang to deliver a kitten to my friend. Since it was quite near berbuka puasa, I decided to berbuka first in Subang, then start back my journey to Melawati for the buka puasa event at Wa sayang's house. Balik tuh, ngantuk giler.. terus dozzed ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

Oh ya, I fell in my bathroom. The fall was quite bad.. fortunately nothing was seriously injured. Cuma blue black all over and my right hand sakit sket. Cemerkap betul was quite a horror one too.

Aiyahh, something came up. Will update more and more.. Sementara masih ada semangat nieh..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

camana leh jatuh bilik air ni acik kem? hope u r ok now.. be careful nx time.. karang takleh tunjuk skill in the bowling match... :D