Wednesday, November 14, 2007

No title

I am still thinking what to write. Have been writing and deleting and staring the posting section for quite some time...... HELP!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Life is like a box of chocolates...

Sorry Forrest Gump, I just gotta quote you. Sorry guys, I know it has been a while in this see-saw life of mine. Lotsa things happenned during this past half month; work, open house, Bangkok trip, roller-coster emotional ride.. sigh!

Sometimes I feel so mundane at work. There are lot of things to be done, but little motivation to complete them. I dunno why, but maybe my EQ's strength is running thin lately. It's got to be influenced with my crappy emotional ride lately. It is really affecting me mentally and also successfully trying to ruin my body functions and health too.. Phew.. that's worrying rite?

We had our open house on the 28th October. It was very joyous and meriah event. Lots of people came. Thanks friends..:). That day was a sweet day for me too and very memorable. The food tak cukup.. imagine that. Adik and Aliff had to purchase food outside to cater to the invitees who came later in the evening. At the end of the day, I was damn tired! But I had fun as always.

I just got back from my 3 days trip to Bangkok. Actually, I tumpang my dad's conference thingy there. Saved bucks for accomodation. It was a totally shopping trip. I am proud of myself coz I managed to plan my money accordingly. My dad was kind enough to sponsor 1/2 for a new suit for me. Thanks Pa. The most amazing thing is that me and mama walked a lot there! Thank god for the gym sessions, it really gave me energy and stamina. Another new adventure was the 1 hour whole body Thai massage. Fuh, mmg gempak to actually experience my tangan and kaki lipat into half! hehehe.. it was nice and supposedly improve my blood circulation.

I don't think I have had a proper and nice rest since the open house. Feeling tired lately and sleep deprived. It's kind of hard to get a proper night sleep lately. I hope this is a temporary thing or phase of my life coz I really need to be happy, healthy and chirpy. hahaha..

Roller-coaster emotional ride of mine.. What to write aaa? Ntah la, I guess I'm not in a healthy emotional state right now as a results of some sequence of events. It feels like, I have tried and tried and tried very very hard to satisfy and make some people happy, yet, NADDAAAA.. no use. I have given EVERYTHING within my control, but it seemed that that is just NOT GOOD enough for some people. Maybe I am just not good enough for them. I know that I am not a perfect person, but hey, who is? For me, we just got to face everyday with our best effort, work hard, play hard and pray even harder. Nobody is perfect, we got to accept people as they are. I think I did, but somehow along the line people did not. Life is fun and happy when we tolerate each other and forget and forgive. Tak pe lah, I just hope and pray, that what ever that other people decide to do or treat people, it will give them happiness and joy as they wanted it. As for me, I just have to learn to accept things, to mend my broken spirit and entertain myself so that I can continue my days not feeling angry or sad. My feelings not important to some people, only theirs are.

Now. sitting in front of my notebook and updating this. Feeling rite now? Sleepy, tired, sad, confused. Listening to Anuar Zain. What am I babling about??? Heheh.. sorry folks, I am just feeling crappy. Ok lah, got tonnes of work to do, and still wondering how to start.

Have a nice day people!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Affinity in the Next Life (Andy Lau)

Someone dedicated this song to me... It is a beautiful love song, but a sad one too....Still figuring out the meaning behind it....

Searching to vanish in a noiseless, restless night
I can never find my memories
Can't find the truth that has been forgotten
A lifetime and a world has passed, little by little you've abandoned me
Suffering, sorrow, heartache, bitter hate, painfully losing you
Perhaps separating is not easy, perhaps loving devotedly is not possible
Suffering, sorrow, heartache, bitter hate, painfully losing myself
Love is deep but affinity is shallow, it's not satisfactory; you and I know how to cherish it
We can only wait until within the next life
To set foot on the beginning of our mutual story again
Life by life, world by world, in an endless dream
Occasionally going over my journal
Going over the story between you and I
Piece by piece, these memories, these memories already have no meaning
Suffering, sorrow, heartache, bitter hate, painfully losing you
Perhaps separating is not easy, perhaps loving devotedly is not possible
Suffering, sorrow, heartache, bitter hate, painfully losing myself
We can only wait until within the next life
To set foot on the beginning of our mutual story again

360 degrees of Life

Hiyaa good people! Life sure is a tricky, mysterious yet fun thing. I learnt yesterday that sometimes, or most of the times, some decision or event can still make a "U-Turn", even at the end of it. That's the beauty and one of the mystery of the world... I guess.

I guess for me now is to accept things as it happens and learn the most from it. Take it day by day and Insya Allah, by a simple twist of fate and ketentuan-Nya, ada sinar dihujung jalan. Yang penting, we have to enjoy what we do and do what we enjoy. You can have your cake and eat it too! Just need adjustments plus good attitude.

As my dearest told me yesterday and I quote, it's not about your way or my way, we have to create OUR OWN WAY. Yes, that is the way, and I hope we could actually do that. The word is COMPROMISE, people.

Oklah, gotta split. Laterzzzz...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Harian Metro: Usah Lihat Rupa, Harta

Guys, I kinda like this article becoz I cud relate to it soooo much.. So, I decided to post it:

MELESTARIKAN cinta antara pasangan memang mudah jika tahu caranya. Cinta antara pasangan, ada yang sehaluan bahkan tidak kurang yang mengundang banyak masalah dalam perhubungan.Ukuran cinta seseorang wanita bukan bersandarkan pada rupa atau harta semata-mata. Ketulusan, pandai berkomunikasi, prihatin dan sikap mengambil berat lelaki mampu mencair hati golongan hawa.Namun, adakah semua lelaki memahami naluri halus wanita? Kebanyakan lelaki sukar menelah kehendak dan keinginan yang tersirat di hati jika lelaki tidak belajar mengenal nilai, sikap, kehendak naluri dan psikologi wanita itu sendiri.Ada kalanya wanita menangis sendirian kerana teringatkan lelaki yang disayangi, tetapi lelaki bagaikan tidak peduli bahkan jarang menghargai kasih sayang yang dicurahkan.Fahamilah kehendak dan perasaan serta pemikiran wanita sebelum anda menilai diri wanita itu sendiri. Luhurnya sesebuah cinta bukan hanya disandarkan pada rupa namun pemahaman, penghargaan lelaki terhadap perasaan wanita, kasih sayang serta kesetiaan lebih bernilai daripada segalanya.

- Apabila seorang wanita mengatakan dia sedang bersedih, tetapi tidak menitiskan air mata, itu bermakna dia sedang menangis dalam hatinya.
- Apabila dia tidak menghiraukan anda selepas anda menyakiti hatinya, lebih baik berikan masa untuknya menenangkan hati sebelum anda meminta maaf.
- Wanita sukar mencari benda yang dia benci mengenai orang yang paling dia sayang (sebab itu ramai wanita yang patah hati apabila hubungan itu putus di tengah jalan).
- Sekiranya seorang wanita jatuh cinta dengan seorang lelaki, lelaki itu akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya walaupun ketika dia sedang keluar dengan lelaki lain.
- Apabila lelaki yang dia suka dan cinta merenung tajam ke matanya, dia akan cair seperti coklat!
- Wanita memang sukakan pujian tetapi lazimnya tidak tahu macam mana hendak menerima pujian.
- Jika anda tidak suka dengan gadis yang sukakan anda separuh mati, tolak cintanya dengan lembut. Apabila wanita sudah buat keputusan, dia akan lakukan apa saja.
- Sekiranya seorang gadis mula menjauhkan diri daripada anda selepas ditolak cintanya, biarkannya untuk seketika. Sekiranya anda masih ingin menganggap dia seorang kawan, cubalah tegur dia perlahan-lahan.
- Wanita suka meluahkan apa yang mereka rasa. Muzik, puisi, lukisan dan tulisan cara termudah mereka meluahkan perasaan.
- Jangan sesekali memberitahu perempuan yang mereka langsung tidak berguna.
- Bersikap terlalu serius boleh mematikan selera wanita.
- Apabila pertama kali lelaki yang dicintainya dalam diam memberikan tindak balas positif, misalnya menghubunginya melalui telefon, si gadis akan bersikap acuh tak acuh seolah-olah tidak berminat. Tetapi sebaik saja ganggang diletakkan, dia akan menjerit kegembiraan dan tidak sampai 10 minit, semua rakannya akan tahu berita berkenaan.
- Sekuntum senyuman memberi seribu erti bagi wanita. Jadi jangan senyum sebarangan.
- Jika anda menyukai seorang wanita, cubalah mulakan dengan persahabatan. Kemudian biarkan dia mengenali diri anda dengan lebih mendalam.
- Jika seorang wanita memberi seribu satu alasan setiap kali diajak keluar, tinggalkan dia sebab dia memang tidak berminat. Tetapi jika pada masa sama, dia menghubungi anda atau menunggu panggilan daripada anda, teruskan usaha memikatnya.
- Jangan sesekali mengagak apa yang dirasakannya. Tanya dirinya sendiri.
- Selepas seorang gadis jatuh cinta, dia akan sering tertanya-tanya, mengapa tidak bertemu dengan lelaki itu lebih awal.
- Kalau kamu masih tercari-cari cara paling romantik untuk memikat si gadis, rajinkan tangan menyelak buku cinta.
- Apabila setiap kali gambar kelas keluar, benda pertama yang dicari wanita ialah siapa yang berdiri di sebelah buah hatinya kemudian barulah dirinya sendiri.
- Bekas teman lelaki akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya tetapi lelaki yang dicintainya sekarang akan berada di tempat teristimewa iaitu di hatinya.
- Satu ucapan 'hai' saja sudah cukup menceriakan harinya.
- Teman baiknya saja yang tahu apa yang sedang dia rasa dan lalui.
- Wanita paling benci lelaki yang berbaik-baik dengan mereka semata-mata hendak menawan kawan mereka yang paling cantik.
- Cinta bermaksud kesetiaan, ambil berat, jujur dan kebahagiaan tanpa sebarang kompromi. - Semua wanita mahukan seorang lelaki yang cintakan mereka sepenuh hati.
- Senjata wanita adalah air mata!
- Wanita suka jika sesekali orang yang disayanginya mengadakan kejutan. Mereka rasa terharu dan rasa dirinya dicintai setulus hati.
- Wanita mudah jatuh hati pada lelaki yang ambil berat dan baik terhadapnya.
- Sebenarnya mudah mengambil hati wanita kerana apa yang dia mahu hanyalah perasaan dicintai dan disayangi sepenuh jiwa.

Selamat Hari Raya Everyone! Dalam tawa, ada tangisan..

Salam Aidilfitri to all the people out there!! Hope this Hari Raya was a great one and a happy one for all of you. I will be updating my Raya log in another post, but in this one, I want to talk about something else... What happened before Aidilfitri....

I don't even know how to start, and I don't even know what I am feeling rite now. Things are kinda dazed and blurry for me. I feel sad, hurt, relieved, depressed and many mixed feelings rite now.Three guesses.... yeah guys, someone broke my heart...

At this point of time, I am still trying to think whether is this how it felt when someone dear to you breaks your heart? Is it because I am in denial? Or is it because I already accepted what had happened? Or is it because things are not resolved as I thought it is?

Why do people have to be so mean in breakin' people's heart? Duh?? Hehe.. of coz they do. Entahlah, maybe its because if I am THAT person, I wouldn't want to hurt people's feelings. I am a peacemaker, not a warmaker (is there such word???). If I am not dear to you anymore, just say it in simple words, not hurtful ones.

Entahla guys, sometimes I just wonder, what is wrong with me?? People around me say, there is nothing wrong, you are not on the losing side. Betul ker? If so, why am I hurting??

At the end of the day, kita kene pegang ni.. Ajal, maut, jodoh telah ditentukan-Nya. Allah swt dah tulis jalan hidup Kamilah Muhammad Abdull Jamil. Insya Allah, di sebalik musibah ini, ada satu ketentuan dan hikmah yang telah ditentukan-Nya. I always believe, Good things happen to good people. And I will try my best melalui zaman keperitan ini, dan menanti sinar di hujung jalan sana..

As my dearest friend told me after this tragedy, Kamy Good Girl...Dia tough! Insya Allah my friend.. I will try my best. I will be 100% Ok soon..with my good support system, my positive attitude and doa berterusan. Dengan izin-Nya, I will be A BETTER and more successful person coz what had happened for the past 2 years is not a waste at all, tapi satu PENGALAMAN yang amat berharga buat insan bernama KAMILAH MUHAMMAD ABDULL JAMIL.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Monday.. Oh my, is it October already?

Aiyah, how fast time flies. Suddenly it is the tenth month of the year, and it is only another two before the new year. So many dreams not yet achieved, so may things not yet done. I think I got to really drive myself this last two months, so that I will end 2007 with glory and feelin I have accomplished something.

The weekends were very very hectic for me. You know what, I went bowling with my training team Saturday morning. When we got there, the alley was empty and we can only hear the thumping of the bowling balls. Ehehe.. Bulan puasa ni, and yet managed to play 5 and 1/2 games. Giler betul. Bulan tak puasa mmg dah pancit. Well I guess, consistency is still the issue in my games. But, last Saturday my game was quite membanggakan where I won 4 out of 5 games. Hehehe..I guess need to sharpen the throwing skills and get more consistency.After the Ramadhan, have some tournaments lined-up. Kene la tunjuk skill skit...Next saturday, still in planning whether to practice again before the Raya break. At least, I cud bakar all the lemaks in my body.. some kind of exercise too.

Then, got my AHM breakfasting event. It was great to see and chat with some of my old friends. But somehow, seeing them with kids and expecting kids and passing wedding cards.. it was quite depressing too. Bile lah I got the chance to pass MY WEDDING CARD? I hope really soon, Insya Allah. I got to make a presentation on the AHM blog and I did. Just one hour before the event did the presentation slides completed. Hahaha.. I got to improve my planning skills...... anyway, it was fun and a success.

The Sunday - I started it as early as 7.45am. Left house for a seminar in Kajang until 1.30pm. Then, got message from mummy dearest to queue up for the FAMOUS POPIAH in section 14. So, I shoot there straight away and do my share of queuing. Imagine there is a quite long line at 2.30 pm.. Dasyat betul penangan popiah utara nieh, even the price hiked up to RM1/piece. Well, if the demand is there... naik baper ringgit pon orang beli. Then singgah KJ Pasar Juadah to get tepung pelita & karipap. Then got my new spectacles. Bukan apa, an incident happened before and I realized I don't have a spare, so I made a new one. Then when to Subang to deliver a kitten to my friend. Since it was quite near berbuka puasa, I decided to berbuka first in Subang, then start back my journey to Melawati for the buka puasa event at Wa sayang's house. Balik tuh, ngantuk giler.. terus dozzed ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

Oh ya, I fell in my bathroom. The fall was quite bad.. fortunately nothing was seriously injured. Cuma blue black all over and my right hand sakit sket. Cemerkap betul was quite a horror one too.

Aiyahh, something came up. Will update more and more.. Sementara masih ada semangat nieh..

Friday, September 28, 2007

Another day, another thot...

As of now, it has been a quite fruitful day for me. I started the day by updating a site that needs to be kinda launched tomorrow. As all of you may notice, I am very lah not creative mahupun good in words, hence it was a challenge for me. But I think for tomorrow's thingy, it has been approved so I guess I can take rest now. Hahaha.

After completing that, I got to meet few staff of mine for their coaching session. We have this session once in every two months. This session is for one-to-one, heart-to-heart discussion with the staff regarding their performance, highlighting issues and planning improvement activities. I suppose the 2 sessions today did give me some points to improve too! It also gives more chances for me to get to know them better.

As promised, my backlog updates on the next item:

1.2 Family & Friends

25th August 2007 - Our family was blessed with the birth of my nephew - Muhammad Ikmal Hariz Bin Muhammad Kamal. He weighs 2.7kg (and a lot heavier now!!). Of coz, at this point of time, he is the center of attention from everyone! Hariz is so putih melepak, when he menggeliat, every inch of him is in RED! hehe.. Anyway, the mummy menjalani pantang in Kelana Jaya, hence I got to kacau him everyday after work. But it is not that easy when everyone is fighting to get rights to hold him! Tak pe lah, Mak Long will kidnap you when you are bigger kay Hariz, kita jalan2 sampai Genting ke mana ker.. Hehehe

The younger sister is in Gombak kampus now. So, the Kelisa is officially used by her now to commute. My brother and sis-in-law is planning to continue study in UKM. Hence, they may stay in kelana jaya to commute to Cheras. So, the house is meriah kembali with people. Everyone will be in - its my parents' dreams come true!

I learnt that by having friends from different background and profile, it will spice up your life! And I mean it in a positive way laa of coz. I am having fun learning to know new people. But of coz, the close ones remain special in my heart. Even if they don't still feel the same way towards you. I guess sometimes, you cannot win it all. You tried and tried to make things better between you and your friend, but hey friendship works 2-ways, they need the other side to respond. Entahla, berserah sahaja kepada-Nya. Friendship ni cam Jodoh gak I guess, kalau dah tak de jodoh, nak buat macam mana kan? But, deep inside, I will always pray things will get better day to day.

I think friends are important assets to me. I 'll have this lonely feeling when I am not around one. Alhamdulillah I am blessed with good friends, best friends, and bestest friends in my life. They always support me and also guide me. To my appointed Advisors out there, you know who you are, and you are always needed by me! Hahaha.. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. To my friends, I love you all and Hanya Allah dapat membalas budi baik anda semua. The best gift I can offer is my prayers to all of you.

Ok, rest time, break time.. Till we meet again......

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I dunno what got into me this evening. I guess some reflection from a conversation I had before this. It was just a simple declining statement towards an offer. But it made me think again and again. Why is it so hard for us to sacrifice for a person we say we love? Sometimes, I just need to feel appreciated. Hati manusia ini rapuh, orang yang sabar pun kadangkala menagih simpati untuk meminta agar hatinya dijaga sekali sekala.....

Maybe I am not that important to you, or top your priority list. Maybe, just maybe....

Okay.. I am tooo farrr behind in updating

Hi guys, yeah enough already with that stares. I know, I have been very lazy in the updating department. But, I guess nowadays time just flies too fast, without us realizing it. "Demi Masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian....." I guess it's not about how much time we have, but the fulfillment of the time, how you use them or waste them.

It took a while for me to start writing back. Some of my dearest frens pon dah bertanya-tanya, is there something wrong? hehe Sorry guys, I guess I have been drifting away with things in my life: work, family, friends, personal, love, hobbies, national news and interest, blah blah blah.. (Alasan semua tuh...). So I will start this posting by segment lah kot...Please bear with me.

Item 1.1 Work

Yeah.. work.. Nothing's new in work department I guess. One of the most significant thing in work is that one of my projects been KIV. I hate that word. Not that we do not have the budget, it's just that do we want to spend it now. At first, I was quite frustrated with that decision. mana tak, dah siap tender semua, tinggal appoint and jalan project ajer. So, what I did? I took leave for few days and travel North. Beli teket Air Asia semua.. lawak betul. Pegi sambil menenangkan fikiran and carik inspirasi bak kata orang. I left everything work-related at office and did not think about it during the whole trip.

Did it do me good? Yeah it did. When I got back to office, I have this new refreshing feeling. Got new dimension and ideas to work out the whole thing again. I did some small discussion on it, and got some pat on the back for it. It feels really good. :)

Other than that, there's this one high-profile project that I am doing rite now. It kinda need me to work cross-functionally with other departments and do communication on it. For me, it is a very good opportunity to actually do people networking and also show what we can offer. I was always a strong believer in teamwork and also treating people and observing people. There are a lot of things that I have learnt in this process and Alhamdulillah I am blessed to be given this opportunity.

Next on the menu - Managing People. I am learning and still learning in this area. It is a big chunk of my current responsibility, having 10 staff reporting to me. But, honestly , I love my team. The strong point of my team - we are 11 unique individuals blessed in variety of talents that binds us together. We won best team in our last teambuilding. I was VERY VERY proud. Target: Best section 07/08. Ameen.

However, today, I am kinda of blurrr.. Dugaan bulan Ramadhan ni. Like Najib said yesterday, Ramadhan sepatutnya kita lebih produktif. Ok-lah Najib, I am trying to be one, by actually updating my blog after nearly thousand centuries. hahahaha..

In summary of the work thingy, I guess after nearly 6 plus years working, I have learnt a lot of things. But I know, that is only a small part of working life. Banyak lagik kena makan garam. But I am blessed coz I have great support system and the most important point: YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR JOB FUN!!

Ok guys, sign off. C u later in my next item update.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Yeah I know, it has been a while

Yeah yeah yeah, I know.. It has been a while since I update my blog. I guess I've been busy lately. There are like tonnes of work (what else is new?), and also of coz my internal emotional war within myself. But I guess, no complaint there.. It is LIFE!

What seems to be interesting ya? Oh ya, me going to Kota Bharu tomorrow for Proton Customer Day. I am feeling a little bit worried bout being emcee this time because I could not yet imagine how the crowd would be. And I could not speak Kelantan.. to make things a little bit difficult. haha.. but it is challenge and I have to take it. Bring it ON!!

Things are getting serious lately on the relationship meter.. I hope this is where the direction will be.. Aminn.. We can only plan, but at the end of the day, it is up to HIM. Hence, we need to continuously seek His help and guidance.

Aaaaaa.. Too many things, will update later people!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday Bluess...

Well, what can I say.. IT IS MONDAY! But honestly I did not expect it will turn out this way today. In between someone hinted that I am not dependable and to some other people telling me that I am fat, I could not even find a way to feel positive about today.

Well, I guess I just have to take that slap in the face, apologize (if required) and move on with my life. Really not feeling good about myself at the moment, feeling extremely fat and highly emotional. What a combination, ya?

Last weekend was a mixed feeling weekend. My brother's father in law passed away on Saturday.. Takziah to Uncle Wan's family. Semoga Rohnya Dicucuri Rahmat. Sitting there during the funeral really taught me some things. I guess I am scared if something happen to my dad. There are still things to do, to say, to share and lots of love to be given. Hence, people, spread the love today, before it is too late......

I figured out something last weekend during the funeral. One of the things I love about the person I love is he is so adaptable to situation. He is so natural in some ways and also pure. That's why I love him, I guess. I also learnt some things about hiding feelings and expressing them in a totally puzzling manner.. Haha..What am I rambling about here??

Anyways, the story about not be dependable enough, just say that I delivered something that is not timely enough and it happened to cancel other people's plan. Man, did I screwed up or what. It was a total mess, I felt so horrible. But to top that horrible feeling, is that someone said that I am not dependable. It's like icing on the cake, a bad cake that is. I still can feel the nausea in my stomach - the guilt. He did not have to slapped me in the face with that statement. But hey, maybe I deserved it. I guess the saying, 'one mistake can erase all the good' is some how true. I felt every good things have been erased by this mistake. I feel bad for not delivering up to the expectations. I just hope that deep inside the people can find a way to forgive me rather than avoiding me.

About being fatty and all, I don't know what is wrong with my metabolisme.. IT is too DAMN slow... Hope that this new challenge will renew my WILL POWER to some how shed a lot of KILOS..

OK guys, will update later.. It is work time.. Chiow!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Vitamin Z Deficiency

Lately I feel so sleepy and tired.. It does not help when I stayed up just to watch Qabil Khusry Qabil Igam last two days. What was I thinking? Haha... Really need a good shut eye..maybe this weekend.. maybe never.. haha..

Lots of things happened since I last wrote in the blog. Last Thursday, had dinner with some of my best girl friends at one of the best restaurant in KJ - Aladdin. Love the food there.... Did not had lunch earlier, so like that night like order everything. Thank God all of us were starving.. jadi.. LICIN semua.. :) Forgot about DIET and anything related to WEIGHT masa tuh.

Friday night, went to my college seniors wedding, only to find out how near was her house to my office. Nampak sangat lah ignorant nyer.. Ate dinner and then got a cake at nearby bakery for my auntie. So early Saturday morning, had a birthday party for her..Last weekend was a family weekend for us. We went shopping for our raya outfits - this year's theme : Orange & Purple. Then watched Shrek in KLCC. On Sunday, early morning go catching our cats - to send for Kembiri. Then Low Yatt to buy notebook for the "Little One". Lucky her.. When I was her age, mana lah ada notebook nih..

Sunday evening, came in office and do some stuff. Then, siapkan myself in the Surau and went of to Sheraton Subang for my best friend's wedding. Lin, your wedding reception was beautiful and you are beautiful too! Congratulations to both of you.

Monday till now.. Kerja Kerja Kerja..Someone told me that I looked damned tired. I guess I do. Sleep deprived and lots of thinking job.. I feel like a ZOMBIE right now. But why am I still here? I don't know why.. haha.. I guess I need a pay rise. Yeah right...

So people, something that I found out today.. Sometimes when you think highly of a person, it can dissapoint you. Sometimes you feel that some other people should learn how to manage other people feelings, especially when you seek their assistance. You could be a near perfect person, but hey man, a simple math - when you ask for something nicely, you will get it nicely.

Chiow for now.. trying to think about something that may change my career direction.. haha.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Proton Surges On News Of Partnership, Investors Still Cautious Business, June 07, 2007 16:53 PM

Is it for real now? We have waited long enough...

KUALA LUMPUR, June 7 (Bernama) -- Proton Holdings Bhd, which was up sharply this morning on news that it is close to forging a partnership with Volkswagen, remained high in the afternoon although Sime Darby denied it is buying Khazanah Nasional Bhd's 43 percent stake in the national carmaker.The surge in Proton shares is not a surprise as it is a reaction of investors who now would welcome any partner for the ailing national carmaker after a long and complicated search for a partner to help it to turn around, a dealer noted.The shares of the national carmaker rose to a high of RM7.05 this morning after reports said Volkswagen is likely to take equity and management control of its key operations.At 3.56pm, Proton was traded 60 sen higher at RM6.45 while Proton call warrants rose 25.5 sen to 89.5 sen.The price is still below the RM7.00 - RM9.00 fair value for Proton shares put forward by research houses. For instance, RHB said the fair value for Proton is at RM8.60.An analyst said investors are generally cautious and awaiting further details considering the difficulty Proton faced in clinching a partnership deal in the past.According to news report, Volkswagen will acquire a 51 percent stake in a new company which will hold Proton's assets such as manufacturing, research & development, engineering and also its UK unit, Lotus.Proton will retain its distribution unit, it added.-- BERNAMA

Wishing for the stars...

Aiyak.. actually yesterday I wrote quite a long entry but sadly the network weng during saving the post and wallaaaaa... my long sad mushy entry is gone. Aiseh, cannot replicate my feelings at that time, yet sadly I am still on the not feeling good time of the year.. *Sigh*

I have this feeling that I have been walking on a very long street and suddenly come to a possible dead end. During the long walk, been through a lot, sacrifice a lot, had fun, had tears shed, etc etc. And BAMMM!!! Walked into a wall, where I am rite now. I think my mind started to feel fear, started to feel that I am not going to get what I wished for. The indicators are like flashing like mad in my eyes but I felt like out of control. Starting to feel more sensitive to every single little things. But hey, I think some of the things - I DESERVE IT! hehe that's my selfish side writing.

But hey, my fren said and I quote, "Kalau kita nak membina, mmg susah dan payah. Tapi kalau nak runtuhkan, dalam sekelip mata ajer boleh jadi". I am holding to that thot. Eventhough I was distracted by series of questions throwed to me yesterday - R U Sure with your choice? R U ready with everything? Think wisely.......

My answer now - Entahlah....I really don't know. The creepy feelings I thot I never had is filling my head. My heart is aching and head spinning. Just please show me, tell me, everything is going to be OK, everything is going to be as planned.

Ya Allah, tunjukkan lah jalannya....

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The crappy feelings continue...

Well, what can I say.. the day just became a little bit crappier today as much as I tried to put positive things and thoughts into it.. I am a positive person, I think, but what happened today just not as what I really wished.

Have you ever felt that you have tried everything you could for someone, and at the end of the day, you feel that it was soooo wasted? Well, that is how I am feeling at this point of time. I think the effort that I meant started so longgg ago, a year maybe.. But today I learnt something. Sometimes you can kiss the land for that some one, the land which he is walking on, and yet it meant crap to him. It is just so tiring, energy consuming, not to even start on thinking on the other things consumed. Ahhh, Malas lah! Knowing me, I will just forget and forgive after this. Unspoken but still hurt like hell.

So, here I am again in the office, coming in the night shift. Haha, cam team breadown assist lak. A little bit here and there needs to be updated and completed so that I can have a happy life tomorrow. (Doubt it!) Not to complaint, but maybe today is not a GOOD day for me, so it effects everything.

Never-mind lah. Just trying my best to complete today.

Hope for a better tomorrow. Insya Allah.

Sweet memories

Hello & Mornin everyone! Feeling a little bit crappy this morning due to feeling of sickness in this big head of mine. Can feel the veins trobbing like mad, saying hey don't wake up.. we want to continue to bang your head. So, I guess, lemme zzzzz for a while. Hence, to be continuedzzzzzz...... Good people in office.. I'll try to be back soon.

Monday, June 04, 2007

La La La

Singing in the rain.. It is raining again, hope KL will not be flooded today. Then it will be damned jammed in the KL. Luckily I am not in KL. Sometimes I salute people who commute to KL. How do they do it?

It took me that LONG!

Well, if you see my last post date, it was somewhere in 2004. Don't change your screen or even try to refresh your page. It is TRUE!!

It took me nearly 3 years to write again after registering my blog. I wonder why. People keep asking me for my blog.. I have one but again nothing is there. Hence after a "pembakar semangat" speech by a long friend of mine, I re-open this blog.

The truth was, I am afraid that I am not interesting enough. That is funny rite? My friend said just now - its your blog, write what you want, why let others intimidate you. She's right. I guess deep down I always fear that I will be seen as shallow. Hahaha.. maybe in some sense that is true.

But dear readers, I hope that this will be a start to a beautiful blogging experience. 4th June 2007.. here I come, blog world.

Hope the next post is not written in 2010. I only wish.